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Monday, December 29, 2008

A quiet Christmas

Sunday nite Dec 28 :after dinner with Fred , Debbie and family we received a call from the Perry police that all my cattle were out . Sure enough the whole herd was down on Walmart Bldv. feasting on Edwardo's horse hay. With help from the police and a passing couple in a red pickup, we were able to head them back to my pasture. Then grandma and I got on the tractor and with lights flashing we rounded up a bale of hay and lead the herd back to their right place. It was very dark by then and the only lights that work on my new tractor are the flasher. Just one more item to fix on my MF before I trade it in. We found the gate wide open on my new Olie pasture west of Walmart . Hunters or someone had opened the gate and let the herd out.
The only damage was about half of Edwardo's horse hay was consumed. I told him that highway was a dangerous place to leave good alfalfa hay.

After all the excitement my neighbor Maurice stopped by and said I had better check my fenses on Maddox lane. Since we don't use that road in winter, we hadn't been that way since snowfall. On each corner someone had plowed through my fence in four places. The most damage was by the yellow shed where they plowed through the fence and about wiped out my buck rake. It was about new when I parked it there several years ago but after two wrecks its just scrap now.

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